The Royal Academy hosts David Hockney (1937-) in a brilliant exhibition focussing mainly on his rescent work.
I discovered his work during this exhibition which made me pretty astatic: "amazing, beautiful, increadible!" were the first words that came to my mind during the discovery.
I would say that I rarely saw that much interest in the pictoral properties of the pictures. Great colorist, interest in season, space and perspectives: variations.
A lot of the work presented has been made for this exhibition which was an opportunity for David Hockney to scale up his work to the scale of the Royal Academy walls. It leads him to impressive multiple piece works like "Winter Timber" composed of 15 canvases of 91.4x 121.9cm each.
However, it seems that it was not big enough for David Hockney so that he works for six months on a project called "The arrival of spring in woldgate east yorkshire 2011" to surround the visitors in a massive room with 32 canvases and 51 iPad drawings (!!!) printed on paper recording this time frame. A new media for drawing is arising, almost shocking but this room was such a wonder that David Hockney simply gave it a legimaty.
The exhibition is running until the 9th April 2012 and absolutly worth the queuing!