Aniversaries are not an information which makes me typically not really keen to celebrate them. 10 years, I thought I could make an effort.
After my very first real scale programming experience on WormsHL (video), an Half-Life modification, I had the desire to discover, learn, do and share more. Somehow, I was inspired by Micheal Abrash's Black book maybe less by the content than the reasonning approach around the content. This leaded me to explore the code of Quake 2 and wrote my first OpenGL experiment, a particle effect that I still find somewhat pretty... With WormsHL, we used to have website and actually each "modification" had its website so I guess I didn't really thought of it, I just made a website: G-Truc Creation was born.
Why this name "G-Truc Creation"? Let say that I have never been driven by a sense of rationnality as I am more focus doing "stuff", which is the direct translation for the French word "Truc". Associated with the first letter of my username that gave me the name of my first ever program, "G-Truc", written in GW Basic about five years before. I gave more thought to "Creation". It's the symbol of what actually matters when we write code.
10 years later "stuff" have been accumulate here and I have lost really a few thanks to my use of XML files for my data. G-Truc Creation remains the only website that requires to be built to be updated! Very basic but afterall, the content mostly survive thanks to this process. Unfortunately, some issues from the beginning remains: It's impossible to find anything on G-Truc Creation without using Google!
This is my space of freedom which evolve to become mostly an OpenGL space with few projects that became somewhat useful for the community: GLM and The OpenGL Samples Pack. I really hope that in the future that I will be able to build a good image library for OpenGL. So far GLI remains behind this goal but hope remains as this is the code I am working on the most these days on my personal time and version 4 is promissing: Nearly 50x better performance for loading texture in VC debug build, About 50% better performance in release mode; zero copy and copy on write; support of all texture targets (3D, 2D Arrays, cube maps) throught DDS files.
G-Truc Creation is a set of projects but also some writing mainly OpenGL specification reviews but also what I call tips: Using sRGB color space with OpenGL, Texture compression formats: lost in translation, First look at BPTC (BC7) texture compression format, Generate mipmaps.
Finally, G-Truc Creation gave me the opportunity to work on OpenGL Insights! I can't wait to start working on the next one.
I hope you will continue to enjoy G-Truc Creation and if this website has anyhow helped you to contribute to the OpenGL community, it met its purpose.