Küken is an OpenGL renderer project build in C++ 0x designed for experiments with a very experimental approach.
Küken mainly targets OpenGL 4 hardware with both AMD and nVidia cards support but requires OpenGL 4.1 drivers and even a support of some extensions. The project is written for Windows (at the moment) with native 32 bits for Visual C++ 2010.
Design wise, Küken uses OpenGL core profile and as much as direct state access as possible but also try to overcome OpenGL limitation like the lack of GLSL compiler options. The project aims to acknowledge the development process keeping traces of issues encounted throw asserts and making invalide choice and calls fails as soon as possible in debug mode but keeping efficiency high in release mode.
Finally, the renderer is planned to be multithreadable and to provide OpenGL 3 hardware and even propriary features support.
This project is still at alpha stage and will eventually evolves drastically in the future.